Cape Town’s best pizza: Ferdinando’s (and pet-friendly too)

Build it and they will come.  That is the birth story of Ferdinando’s and their quest to sell 10,000 pizzas. Our friends, Kimon and Diego have been opening their doors to family and friends for countless fun, vibrant foodie celebrations.  Whether it was a birthday or post-4am Long Street search for food, we always were…

How to identify and pick wild edible mushrooms in Cape Town, South Africa

  “Is there rain and gale force winds on your side?” “No.” “Okay, then we’ll meet you at the forest gate at 7:15” In Cape Town, winter brings sloshy puddles and leaf layers on the forest floor.  Mushrooms, like stars fallen from the galaxy, pop out of the ground in diverse shapes, forms, colours and size.  This…

Educational Food Topics: Mind-Fuel Learning with young South African students

    Our future is bright!  When I got the opportunity to help design and facilitate environmental education lessons around various food topics with students around the Western Cape-I was amazed by what these fresh young minds are thinking.  Two different workshops hosted by the City of Cape Town’s Youth Environmental Programme YES and Leaders of the Future…

How to Harvest Seaweed: Superfood Nutrition from our Ocean

   Edible Sea Vegetable: SeaWeed I confess, my kitchen turns into edible science experiments almost every day. Seaweed is my new ingredient in the kitchen lab. Once you get to know the nutritional facts and the familiar taste of popcorn it has when nori (a type of seaweed) is roasted on the fire, then you’ll definitely give…


The more time we spend using whole food ingredients, the more curious we become of their source and qualities.  We may begin to ask questions such as – “How do eggplants grow?” “Can I eat the green tops of carrots?” “What can grape leaves be used for?” “Are those mulberries?” Our curiosity for nature and…

Real Food Foraging in our Urban edible landscapes.

Real food foraging is taking Freetarian tactics to a whole other edible landscape.  It’s not about rummaging through the grocery store’s dump site or scrapping bubblegum off the concrete.  Real food foraging is a learned art: It bridges culinary knowledge, environmental awareness and plant/fungus identification to your own edible advantage.  Growing up with a Greek…

Top Ten South African Foods to Try While Visiting South Africa

What do people eat in South Africa?  I came to study in South Africa, Education, Sociolinguistics and Ethnographic Research.  After I got accepted into the program, my google searches involved, surfing South Africa, capoeira South Africa and food South Africa.   I didn’t know much about the food in South Africa when I arrived but I…

South Africa’s West Coast Pomegranate and Peppercorn Salad

Soul smiles and surf-sore shoulders leave me mindful and replete. A montage of new faces smiling in the heat. Moon memories and salted dreams sail me through the Monday office beat.  Yes, let’s strike out into the open, where wild places await. Let’s turn off the cell phones, leave our city behind. Let’s forget the…

A Durban Curry Bunny Chow Heat Feast in Cape Town

Climate change and Durban curry?  What do they have in common? It’s the only meal that will cool you down when a sub-tropical heatwave rolls through Cape Town.  A humid blanket covered the the whole city.  To survive the heat, we consumed the heat.  We invited our friends and a self-proclaimed Durban curry chef to…

Pink Pancake Recipe with Strawberry and Beetroot

Mickey Mouse pancakes were cool growing up.  I  got to eat dessert for breakfast; sugar-gooey syrupy pancakes with chocolate chip eyes, a cherry nose and whip cream smiles.  These days, I discovered eating pink pancakes are just as fun for breakfast and have a natural sweetness thanks to the sugarbeet and strawberries added in the…

To Cook or Dehydrate: Raw Food Recipes and Creativity

I just learned how to harvest Aloe Ferox from the ‘cook’ book Rawlicious-Recipes for Radiant Health.  It’s a recipe book that encourages you to make colourful and vibrant food by encouraging you to put aloe in your smoothies, have sprouts as a kitchen staple,  and make edible flower salads that look like birthday confetti.  Who…

Raise your Glass to Gugulethu Wine Festival

Just like food and wine pairing flavours highlight salt, sweet, sour, bitter or umami (lekker or ‘scrumptious’), the Gugulethu Wine Festival proved to be a super umami event experience pairing all the right festival flavours. On the same weekend of the Good Food and Wine Festival, Gugulethu hosted a vibrant well-attended wine tasting event founded…

Pomegranates for Breakfast

If theres one thing I like about winter its the fact that pomegranates are readily available to my tastebud’s needs.  If I had to make up a fast or some sort of ‘cleanse detox’ sort of regime it would be to eat pomegranates for breakfast lunch and dinner and in this ‘detox,’ we would have…

Mopani or mopane worms (caterpillars) taste like dried leaves

“They taste like a bit like biltong or chicken, I love them!” she explained. “Actually, they taste more like leaves.”  A bag of Mopani worms are sitting dried in my cupboard waiting for my “how to cook this” experimentation session. My seastar, Nokulinda, bought them from a Sangoma down the road from her work in…

Diego’s Fish Festival Birthday in De Waterkant

When you meet Kimon and Diego, you’ll understand that when they throw a birthday party it becomes a street feast festival of seafood, love, family and friends.   On Sunday afternoon, there were four generations of family and friends, sharing steamed paprika-cream mussels out of the pot and apricot-butter fish fresh off the BBQ under…

The Search for Cape Town’s Best Gatsby Sandwich

Once upon a time there was the Gatsby Sandwich.  Related to its American cousin, Hoagie. Gatsby is South African, from the Cape Flats, and is the ultimate meal you can carry like a newborn baby, it’s as heavy as one too, crammed with a variety of ingredients and most commonly accompanied with chips stuffed inside. The Gatsby…