Easy Spicy Zesty Sweet Chickpea Salad Recipe

What happens when you juice pineapples, carrots and fresh green serrano chiles? A spunky zesty salad with sweet and spicy flavours can be created to fuel you through the day.   Last week, we bought lots of great farm produce from the City Bowl Market. Back at home, I put pineapple and carrots and threw…

Recipe: How to Make Spring Roll-Nori Wraps

This Nori (seaweed) wrap recipe is an alternative to spring rolls.  It’s perfect for getting a balance of essential vitamins into your diet.  It’s also delicious and beautiful to share at picnics and parties.  It pleases: vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and my dad who likes to live on garlic and lamb chops will even chow these…

Eating Kale:Yuppie-Guilt or Social Tool for change?

I recently came across a blog post that said “20-things-everyone-thinks-about-the-food-world-but-nobody-will-say.” If you’re a kale-loving, politically correct “foodie” interested in CSAs, molecular gastronomy, and not getting your bubble burst, run away now—shit’s about to get real. It went on to say some pretty funny, real and ridiculous shit and brought up statements like: Locavorism has become the…

South Africa’s West Coast Pomegranate and Peppercorn Salad

Soul smiles and surf-sore shoulders leave me mindful and replete. A montage of new faces smiling in the heat. Moon memories and salted dreams sail me through the Monday office beat.  Yes, let’s strike out into the open, where wild places await. Let’s turn off the cell phones, leave our city behind. Let’s forget the…

What to Eat when Visiting Greece’s villages: Nourishing Food Traditions

   Summertime and road tripping lead to some of my favorite food adventure memories.  In Greece, you can drive on national highways and come across Greek village tavernas that serve greek horiatiki salads under grapevines.  Roadside stalls are piled with local fresh, dried, and preserved food that have been made and celebrated for centuries.  Tradition, food…

A Durban Curry Bunny Chow Heat Feast in Cape Town

Climate change and Durban curry?  What do they have in common? It’s the only meal that will cool you down when a sub-tropical heatwave rolls through Cape Town.  A humid blanket covered the the whole city.  To survive the heat, we consumed the heat.  We invited our friends and a self-proclaimed Durban curry chef to…

It’s not Rabbit Food, It’s Rainbow Raw Salsa Salad.

Call it rabbit food, but it is damn delicious and surprisingly filling too.  Inspired by Raw-vember, I made a spicy salad that is bright and tangy in flavour and festive on the eye. This is a super quick, easy and yummy crunch salad that has major nutrients because it is a whole bunch of raw…

Diego’s Fish Festival Birthday in De Waterkant

When you meet Kimon and Diego, you’ll understand that when they throw a birthday party it becomes a street feast festival of seafood, love, family and friends.   On Sunday afternoon, there were four generations of family and friends, sharing steamed paprika-cream mussels out of the pot and apricot-butter fish fresh off the BBQ under…