Food connects us:
To culture, to ecology
To emotion, to history
To environment, to culture
To health, to identity
To science, to each other . . .

The Culinary Linguist’s aim is to use food as a tool to expand our awareness to these connections. Why? Because awareness is our greatest teacher.

     In this blog:

 Explore and digest the journeys of food and people all over the world in the past, present and future. Where and how it grows, where and how it’s prepared, who shares it, why eat it and where and how it’s enjoyed through various mediums: stories, recipes, workshops and events.

We can communicate ideas and knowledge through food (like a language) – consciously and unconsciously. This is culinary linguistics.

I research, forage, cook, explore, create recipes, document with film/video, photos, travel and share topics around food that connect us to interesting topics.

The recipes created for this blog are meant to inspire you to add your personal touches and adapt them to your personal connections.                                                              

This is a space where I share experiences with Culinary Linguistics.

Food Tips I live by:  Choose fresh foods with color.  Draw ingredient inspiration from our ancestors. Remember Hippocrates.  I promote fresh nutrient-filled food recipes.  I stay inspired by food choices by learning about our health, global community and the environment.

We connect to our awareness through learning, using, harvesting and cooking with whole food ingredients.

After hopping between five continents, I’ve learned tons of culinary practices along the way and exposure to unique nutritious ingredients.

I’ve lived and travelled extensively throughout South Africa, Europe, North America and Latin America, cooking and learning from all the flavours shared with me, which, together with my passion for clean honest food and sharing visual journeys form the basis of The Culinary Linguist blog.

This is a journal digest through the many languages of food- mixing and experimenting with tastes from many different spice racks, gardens, cultures and regions.  It’s a collection of experiences,  flavours from around the world.


Our food can be a symbolic and sensual language. It communicates larger concepts. When I started traveling to countries of languages I didn’t speak, food often became the default language and communicated friendship, care, culture, love, compassion, and social history.  I called it culinary linguistics: exploring the language of food.

I studied linguistics, educational methods, anthropology while doing social documentary photography and ethnographic research in university.



Contact me for the development of educational materials and programmes for classroom and community use.  The Culinary Linguist’s aim is to use food as a social tool to expand our awareness and promote positive interactions for our society and environment.

Culinary Linguists: cultivating thought, expressing emotions, circulating ideas and nurturing compassion for our environment and each other – using food as the fuel for positive social change.  Love-Care-Nurture-Respect-Compassion

Contact me for unique recipe development.  Interested in a workshop, sharing ideas, and innovative strategies?  Let’s access our creativity, communicate and have compassion in our world.

Challenge yourself to be a Culinary Linguist.

Click on the Menu WHO I AM to read a bit more about myself and explore all the different topics of food that is shared on this site.

Want more?  Click on the widgets below and Subscribe by email, feed,  read, play and share!


ALSO: Use this space as a forum of recipe ideas, and flavor, etc.  I love to hear the stories about your food connections, questions, ingredient combination discoveries, and the rituals of food sharing, etc.  Otherwise, I hope the recipes shared here speak to you and can be recreated in your own unique way.

Follow me on pinterest for a visual appetite.

Keep updated with posts by following me on twitter

and visit my blog: Making Sense of Spice www.sensemasala.blogspot.come for a variety visuals and perspectives.

If you want more unique recipes by The Culinary Linguist: go to Food 52

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hamley the giraffe and athena

This is me with Hamley the Giraffe on Brooker’s Farm. He loved my pink scarf and maybe my lemongrass perfume. I live in South Africa.  Most of my food recipes are based on what is in season and accessible from this beautiful country.

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Whatcha thinking?